Select the currency you will use.
You will give homeless children a loving home, food, education and a positive future. Your generosity helps us continue this vital work and brings hope to those who need it most. Thank you for considering a donation to Amani.
You will be directed to the appropriate Amani legal entity based on your choice of currency.
Where to send your check/cheque:
If you prefer not to make an online donation but would like to transfer funds instead, you can do so. Below you will find the contact details for these donations.
United States of America
Make checks payable to “Friends of Amani USA” and send to 11 South Main Street, Suite 501 - Concord NH 03301, USA.
If you're donating in honor of someone, please write that in the memo of your check. Tax receipts will be mailed within four to six weeks after the donation has been processed.
Please feel free to make your donations by check, out to the Friends of Amani Canada and send it to Rotman School of Management 105 St. George St, Suite 557 Toronto, ON M5S 3E6, Canada.
United Kingdom
If you prefer to make your donations offline, you can make the cheque out to Friends of Amani UK and post it to;
Martin Crabb
Friends of Amani (UK) Treasurer
Little Thatch, Etchilhampton, Devizes, SN10 3JL, UK.
The Netherlands
Als u liever een donatie wilt doen via een overschrijving, dan kunt u voor donaties vanuit Nederland de volgende gegevens gebruiken.
Vrienden van Amani Nederland, rekeningnummer: NL78TRIO03338440461 (BIC: TRIONL2U).
Voor vragen over uw donatie kunt u contact opnemen met het bestuur van Vrienden van Amani Nederland, via of u kunt meer informatie vinden op
International and local Tanzanian donations
Please feel free to make your donations by cheque out to:
Amani Centre for Street Children and send it to - PO Box 6515 Moshi, Tanzania.