Our Approach
At Amani, we believe in supporting children so they can grow up safe and healthy in their own family environment, with access to education.
Amani's approach focuses on a holistic and comprehensive support system for vulnerable children, ensuring their safety, education, and emotional well-being.
Our work with these children is built on Four main pillars and these include:
Street Outreach & Rescue
Our team of dedicated outreach workers goes out into the streets of Arusha, Moshi and Singida, daily to search for children, engage with them to build trust and eventually, rescue them.
We also collaborate with local community members, such as street vendors, local business owners, and the police to refer the vulnerable children they meet to Amani.
Temporary Shelter
Amani provides safe temporary shelter through our homes in Moshi, Arusha and in Singida, while we work out the best long-term solutions for the children.
At these shelters, children receive extensive home care services through individual counselling, sports activities, medical check-ups, food, clothing, life skills trainings and a fast track education- to help them heal, learn, and grow.
Family reintegration
We believe that ultimately-in most cases- the (extended) family and community of origin is the best long-term place for a child to live. We invest heavily in reuniting children with their families, where possible, so they can continue to grow and develop, and school, within their community.
In addition to this, we also support the families to succeed in taking good care of their children, through conditional grants, sponsoring educations costs, continued counselling and frequent follow-ups.
Amani provides education support at different levels to the children in the care so that they stand a chance to become positively contributing members of society. We see education as one of the best ways to empower children with a bright future.
This support is offered based on the different needs of the children with an aim to get them on the path to success.