Reuniting Kids

reunification of street children with their families

Amani believes that the best place for children to grow up is within a a safe and loving family environment, rather than in an institution.

Amani is not an orphanage; instead, we view family reunification as the most sustainable solution for the tragedy of child homelessness.

We therefore aim to reunify children into the homes of extended family members, giving kids the chance to spend the rest of their childhood with an aunt, uncle, or grandparent. The extended family provides children with long-term personalized support and allows them to grow up within their own culture and traditions.

However, locating family members in Tanzania can be challenging due to unmarked and unnamed roads, and only a small minority of the population having access to a telephone or even electricity. Amani’s social workers travel all over the country, searching for members of the children’s family.

Extended family bonds are strong in Tanzania, and many relatives are willing to care for young family members in need. Often, a relative is able to provide a safe and loving home but may struggle to afford food and education for the child. In such cases, Amani assists with the child’s food and education expenses, enabling them to live with their family.

To date, Amani has successfully reunited over 2,500 formerly homeless children with loving families.